So, Stacey Campfield, a state senator in Tennessee, was refused restaurant service after sponsoring anti-gay legislation and spouting hateful rhetoric:
Martha Boggs, owner of The Bistro at the Bijou, refused to serve Campfield, who has compared homosexuality to bestiality and claimed that one cannot contract AIDS through heterosexual sex.
So, of course, he did what any white, heterosexual Christian state senator might do in his situation: he wrote a blog post discussing his treatment and comparing himself to black people who endured institutional segregation and discrimination during the Civil Rights era.
He goes on to show how multicultural he is by relating this anecdote about lunch counters:
In the '60s my grandfather sat at the lunch counters with the blacks in Knoxville to help break up the segregation of the races. I guess some people still support segregation. Just segregation of thought. Some people have told me my civil rights were violated under the 1964 civil rights act in that a person can not be denied service based on their religious beliefs. (I am catholic and the catholic church does not support the act of homosexuality) I had not thought about that much.I just figured this is just another example of the open minded tolerant left. They claim tolerances for divergent points of view.....Until someone actually has one. Then they don't know how to handle it.